ia: Benvenite! In mi blog io scribe in interlingua, italiano e anglese.

it: Benvenuti! Nel mio blog scrivo in interlingua, italiano e inglese.

en: Welcome! In my blog I write in Interlingua, Italian and English.

Climate estive

Iste video (filmate per le magazin Helsingin Sanomat) monstra le plagia de Helsinki, le 8ve de augusto 2010. Nos esseva in le mesme plagia alicun horas antea, perque le die esseva calide e con un belle sol, ma retornava a casa ante que le spectaculo initiava. Le tempore se cambiava rapidissimemente, como il es evidente per le velocitate del nubes.

Infortunatemente on non pote admirar iste nubes tenebrose tote dies.


Iste photo es parte de mi plus recente session photographic, que habeva loco in Lauttasaari in le initio de Julio.
Illo me place particularmente, e spera que anque vos lo trova agradabile. De facto quando io lo prendeva io non cercava de exprimer ulle concepto — simplemente io trovava le composition interessante. Ma post reguardar lo plus in attentivemente, io ha discoperite le diverse stadios de floritura, e ha decidite que le photo merita un titulo: “devenir”.

Io prendeva multe photos (plus que cento), con le valide collaboration de Yulia, qui es un excellente assistente — super toto in portar le equippamento. ;-) Tote photos es in le galleria, e in flickr io ha cargate un selection multo reducite pro les qui non ha tempore pro le arte. ;-)

Google Maps routing: the day after

Just one day after releasing mappero 3.0+beta11, another version is out. Today's hot dish is the Google Maps address disambiguation dialog:

It sometimes happens (especially to people living in Italy) that the address you need exists in different cities. “Via Roma”, for instance, is one very common street name in Italy, so if you are searching for it in Google Maps web interface you won't get a route, but instead you'll get a list of possible matches. And so far, in such a situation Mappero would have spit out the infamous “Invalid source or destination.” error message.
In today's release the situation is improved, because when we get a disambiguation request from Google Maps, Mappero shows the screen above and lets you pick your destination. This should hopefully save you some time when typing addresses.

I still have a few unclear points about Google Maps behaviour, because sometimes the reply is different from what we get via web, and it seems that it doesn't always honour our request for local results only. So, if someone is familiar with Google Maps parameters and knows how to get the destination address resolved using a local search, please let me know and as a reward I'll append your name to all street names returned by Mappero. ;-)

By the way, the main reason for releasing this today was that this version also fixes the problem when libmappero doesn't get automatically upgraded along with Mappero. Also, the fact of having received a huge donation stimulated me to do something in return. :-)

Oh! I hope that now you won't be expecting a new release every day! But in case you do, here is how you can make it happen.

Your favourite router is up again, faster than ever

Mappero is back from holidays. Version 3.0+beta11 has just been released and doesn't contain any of the big features I was planning; instead, it's mostly a bugfix release, but a rather important one. Here are the main highlights:

  • Google routing works: direct and faster
  • A new widget for inputing addresses, with history-based auto-completion
  • Bugfixes: POI edit/view screen doesn't destroy your data, fix some crashes introduced with 3.0+beta9, fix Yandex router, screen unblanking works again, and some other minor corrections.

I was hoping to make a gigantic release with some great improvements I had in mind, but the current situation of gnuite.com server (the routing data provider for Mappero and maemo-mapper), which lately is often not responding, forced me to hurry up and make a new release as quickly as possible.
Routing in this new version works by directly connecting to the Google Maps server (although the indirect way is still available, under the "gnuite" router option) and downloading the route as a KML file. This is much faster than the old way, because we have a few network hops less and we are not waiting for the gnuite server to process the route and rebuild it as a GPX file for us.

The other main feature introduced with this release is the address input dialog:

This dialog is invoked when clicking on the route icon and then choose the "Set destination..." item. It lists the locations you've been searching before and filters them as you type, in a similar fashion as the browser URL suggestion works.
I plan to improve it by adding suggestions retrieved via the network from Google Maps, but this will require some deeper changes in the code that might take some time.

That's it for now. I hope you'll enjoy this release. :-)

(currently it's in the extras-testing repository: to try it right now, download this and this)

Le modella de Sancte Petroburgo

Le septimana passate io viagiava a Sancte Petroburgo per nave (con stpeterline.com) e alora io portava con me le photocamera con un par de lentes e le flash. Io e Yulia jam habeva planate de facer alicun photos in alicun locos suggestive in le centro del citate, e Yulia trovava un MUA (Make-Up Artist, artista de maquillage) pro preparar la al session.
In le galleria photographic del sito io ha create un album con le photos del session con Yulia e ha actualisate le existente album con diverse photos de Sancte Petroburgo (sin modella, infortunatemente).

Hic io presenta solmente alicun del photos — il ha multe plus in le galleria!

Isto es mi photo preferite! Nulle photoshopping (benque io non usa PhotoShop, ma un programma melior: The Gimp ;-) ), nulle flash: toto es natural!

Yulia reguarda su futuro de super modella :-)

Le motivo es familar al chineses e a les qui ha jocate con Super Mario Land pro Gameboy (publicate in 1989, si io ben memora).

Yulia ancora non vole admitter que illa es blonde. Iste photo pote cambiar su opinion :-)

Iste nubes es dedicate a mi povre fratre, que probabilemente nos salvava con su influentia solar: il non habeva pluvia.